Bangkok – Srinakharinwirot University and United Through Sports have joined hands for and with the youth of the world to host the 5th edition of the UTS World Youth Festival on the grounds of Srinakharinwirot University, downtown Bangkok. Srinakharinwirot University is famed as one of Asia’s leading universities, with a long tradition for vast educational growth and sports.
The UTS World Youth Festival promotes inclusion, equality, and non-discrimination, with a united stance of the youth towards a better tomorrow. This festival is a unique annual event that unites youth of all abilities through sports. The UTS World Youth Festival is under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee, Paralympic Committee, Special Olympics, SportAccord, GAISF, and AIMS. Full support has been granted by the Royal Thai Government, the Sports Authority of Thailand, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports as well as support from the National Sports Development Fund.
The festival takes place in the heart of the city in conjunction with APEC 2022 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) where the economic leaders of the world will travel to Bangkok to promote regional economic integration and encourage APEC’s economy to be open, dynamic, resilient, and peaceful.
The event will also be in conjunction with GEW (Global Entrepreneurs Week) where over 700 youth leaders and ambassadors across the 5 continents will be uniting through sports and cultural exchange.
For a full week, Bangkok will be the global stage for the youth, promoting more inclusion around the world.
Associate Professor Dr. Somchai Santiwatanakul President of Srinakharinwirot University, stated: “Srinakharinwirot is proud to have been chosen to host this important and timely festival on such a prestigious campus. The university and Thailand are opening its doors to the youth of the world, which presents a unique opportunity for the students to take part in a variety of sports and educational sessions with international organisations.”
UTS President Stephan Fox stated: “We give our respect and thanks to the Kingdom of Thailand for their support towards the UTS World Youth Festival 2022. With this new hybrid format, we have emerged stronger than ever before from the global pandemic. The international sporting community will be sending their youth ambassadors to Thailand and at the same time, we will welcome thousands of youth through the virtual platform giving an extended opportunity for anybody to join, from anywhere around the world.” The festival action will take place from 14th – 20th November 2022 and will begin with a spectacular opening ceremony and performances from youth of all abilities with the closing event on the 20th November, United Nations World Children’s Day.