The UTS World Virtual Youth Festival 2020 made a decision to adjust the announcement of all finalists for the 19 December.
On behalf of UTS we would like to thank all the youth from around the world who have participated in the competitions, workshops, and the opening ceremony.
There has been an overwhelming number of incredible entries for the talent shows, exceeding all expectations.
Therefore, we would like to announce that we have decided to make the winning announcements on the 19 December. To be fair and equal to all competitors, we have decided to announce all finalists on this date.
At the UTS Closing Ceremony tomorrow, we will announce all Talent finalists and they will be posted on the UTS Website.
UTS will organise a virtual gala night on the 19 December where all talent winners will be announced, and all medal ceremonies will take place.
Special awards will be given to the most inspiring youth ambassadors and outstanding organisations.