United Through Sports (UTS) kept the global virtual youth festival legacy burning bright by launching an online social media competition via Instagram earlier this year.
The “What’s Your Daily?” competition was created as a motivation to increase youth activity during the pandemic and continue to use social media to promote a healthy lifestyle.
At a time where the Corona virus pandemic still affects daily life, research has revealed that social media interaction has increased by 70% across all applications and sport engagement has reduced by 40%. Youth all around the globe have been affected by this pandemic with greater physical isolation, restrictions, anxiety and mental health challenges coupled with less accessibility to engage in sports.
Over the past year, data shows that youth have increased their video gaming activities by 20% and currently, there is a significant probability that digital activity will remain high even after curfews and isolation are over.
The UTS youth were invited to get active, get creative, using social media pro-actively and to inspire their peers, as we invited them to look through the virtual window into their daily lives. This virtual competition was found to encourage physical activity, positive mental health and fun.
With youth across the 5 continents sharing their culture, sports, hobbies and values, the guidelines were simple. Youth uploaded a short video to their social media using the hashtag #WYD2021 to participate.
All winners will receive an official letter and all participating youth will be receiving certificates of participation and effort. Prizes for the winners will be delivered soon.
A huge round of applause to each and every submission which brought smiles, laughter, inspiration and happiness.
UTS CEO Julia Govinden said: “It has been fantastic to see how the youth are motivating one another, how connected they are and how we have been able to use technology and social media to encourage a healthy lifestyle regardless to the pandemic challenges.”
UTS Manager Annechien De Groot said: “With great joy we have been watching the videos from youth all around the world. They showed us what keeps them active, healthy and happy during this challenging time”.
Many of the submissions can be viewed on the UTS Instagram, we encourage you to take a look and enjoy, comment, like and share their many talents.