February 9th at 9:09 am will go in the history books of the official opening of the Mongkon Academy. The official education and training center under the auspicious WMC under Royal Patronage, the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur recognized by the IOC, United Through Sports and support of Right to Play.
The Academy under the motto, “Do Good Feel Good” is the sign for all walks of life, Muaythai for Every Body, for all abilities with no discrimination. A full-sized Muaythai ring, a jogging track, futsol and badminton court, fully equipped gym and seminar rooms; all are there for anybody to use and to enjoy.
But there’s more, in cooperation with the Ambassador Hotel, which is the official IFMA Championship hotel, the gym also has a full United Through Sports (UTS) Education Center where disadvantaged youth and youth with different abilities can socialize, play and be educated free of charge in this special environment.
Giving back is an important part in the Muaythai philosophy and 3 sports facilities have been established in different parts of Bangkok to give disadvantaged youth a sense of belonging, a safe environment and a place to play. Every child in the world should have the right to play, hence the close cooperation with this organization as well.
United Through Sports plays an important part in the establishment and some of the donations have come from the 2018 Sport Accord Convention held in Bangkok.
IFMA President, Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan, stated, “It is a proud moment for him to cut the ribbon of yet another social initiative where everyone has contributed towards a good cause.”

The IFMA head of the Athletes Commission, Janice Lyn, stated “This place will see the world’s best muaythai athletes come to train but also to contribute to tomorrow. Standing united for the youth is what IFMA is all about.”

The CEO of United Through Sports, Julia Govinden, stated, “This unique facility will provide not only sport opportunities to so many youths but also access to free education inside a safe and supporting environment. The donations raised via UTS from the sporting world, during the 2018 Sport Accord Convention have truly left a legacy behind. With an objective towards social inclusion and our partnership with universities in Bangkok, the academy will encourage children to thrive and give them hope towards a better future.”

IFMA General Secretary, Stephan Fox, said the final day of Muaythai Week was the perfect setting and many came to the opening including the Asia Director of Right to Play, Niamh de Loughry, Program Director of Right to Play, Kevina Maddick, CEO of UTS, Julia Govinden, IFMA Sport Director, Charissa Tynan, CEO of Elite Boxing, Toli Markris, Ajahn Suchart and Clifton Brown from Canada, Ajahn Sawang and many more. It was truly a special day to have everyone in support and celebration of this very special facility.
For more information please visit www.mongkonacademy.com