The HQ of IFMA and UTS are presenting #muaythaiconnects, an opportunity, a fun challenge which you will not only share with the muaythai community but all those who follow your journey. This is an opportunity to contribute towards bringing positivity as we work to overcome Covid-19 and continue to use our “One World One Muaythai” philosophy and bring your houses, apartments and gardens to all parts of the world by streaming workout routines to the world. We would like to have every National Federation’s gyms involved and to give an incentive, the most popular will receive an award at the next World Championship.

Where do we stand currently? We are all affected by this pandemic. We know that the Corona virus does not acknowledge borders, religion or nationalities. Many people across the world have lost loved ones, many have contracted the virus, whilst others are living in quarantine or under daily life altering restrictions. However, this virus is already encouraging societies around the world to make beneficial life-changing adjustments.
The world as we know it has been understandably occupied by the Covid-19 pandemic which has uprooted all areas of life and our sports world is no exception. The distancing measures to limit the spread of the virus have affected all sport events for the athletes, to the spectators and the media. Global sport events have been cancelled from small events to the pinnacle, including the 2020 Olympic Games which has been postponed for 2021 to safeguard everybody involved in the Olympic Games movement and the International Community.
We could not agree more with IOC President Thomas Bach, when he stated “The Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times and the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel” which is where the world finds itself at present. The Corona virus may be keeping us apart off the field of practise and play, but now more than ever the Olympic values of Friendship, Inspiration, Courage, Equality and Solidarity shine bright.
We talk about keeping social distance but essentially what we are practising is physical distancing. Socially, we have become significantly more connected and much of the world has united in solidarity through social media platforms. Never before has the world of sports collectively invited the international public into their homes for exercise sessions. Where borders, passports and place of birth may hold divisions and restrictions, today the world stands together united as one through our ability to connect. This is not only the Olympic principle; it is Olympic humanity.
IFMA has always promoted cultural connection through the values of muaythai and now is our time to stand together and promote social engagement as a result of our physical activity.
Through #muaythaiconnects the borders are open and there are no restrictions. #muaythaiconnects provides the wings to fly and follow your friends that you met at the Youth or Senior IFMA World Championships. You can enter their living rooms, to learn and engage in social and physical activity with them. Here there are no issues with immigration, there is no passport or visa required, just your love for muaythai and the click of a button.
Let us continue to be advocates of change opening our doors with respect inviting one another into our living rooms, to our gardens where politics has no status, where we are united through sports. We applaud and respect EveryBody who is participating in this amazing initiative showcasing excellent examples of sports and culture.
We will not only exercise together, but we will we share our lives, our dreams and hopes. Not only will we beat Covid19, we will continue to stand connected as one towards a better tomorrow.
You Can Follow, Join And Share The Workouts Here:#MuaythaiConnects
Members of their National Federation must create any of the 3 options to enter (more than one entry is welcome):
1) Lead a Muaythai Workout approximately 30 minutes in length (can be team or individual)
– Must teach and use any of the 8 limbs of muaythai
– Must incorporate functional exercises relevant to the weapons, brief explanation will award greater merit
– Must have a warm up, workout and cool down component
– Please ensure it is done in a way that people at home can follow along.
– Instructions should be clearly communicated either verbally or with text on-screen.
2) Perform a Wai Kru (1-3 minutes) (individual)
– Must have Wai Kru music playing in the background
– Must exhibit flexibility, balance, confidence, flow and athleticism
3) Shadow Boxing (1-3 minutes) (individual)
– Must include all 8 limbs of muaythai
– Must exhibit strength, tempo, flow, athleticism, confidence
– Must incorporate offensive and defensive techniques
All 3 options must incorporate:
– Cultural Exchange: Have your nation’s flag in the background, working out in your traditional attire or have your mom in the background making your favourite national dish, be creative and more points for bringing smiles during these times.
– Societal Message: Your video should include a personal motto, slogan or phrase that sends out a message of unity, solidarity and positivity. This slogan or message can be something that you say in your clips or it can be text within the clip. For example, “Italy, we stand with you as one against Covid-19”. This is the criteria UTS invites you to include, but for those of you feeling confident and inspired, you are welcome to elaborate and extend upon this idea whether you want to tell a story, whether you want to share a personal important message or whether you want to advocate for health and safety, the decision is yours. You are welcome to use any of the following #hashtags: #muaythaiconnects #ifmacares #oneworldonemuaythai #beatcovidwithmuaythai #communityovercompetition #unitedwecanbeatcovid19 #unitedthroughmuaythai
– Practice Physical Distancing: The people in your video must be with people you engage with every day and your video should practice physical distancing.

– Video Quality: must be minimum 1280 by 720 pixels in quality (minimum width 600 pixels), shot in landscape and must be sent via a link to a dropbox/wetransfer download to preserve the quality of the video. These links can be sent to:
[email protected]
You can follow the challenge on the IFMA FB. The clip that shows the most heartfelt and original motto will be awarded at the next IFMA Championship by United Through Sports. This award will stand to show your contribution towards the benefit of society.

IFMA & UTS’ Charity Gym Motto – Mongkon Academy