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March 20th is the International Day of Happiness. On 12 July 2012, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that this day would be an International Day of Happiness, recognising the relevance and contribution of happiness to our well-being as a global aspiration. As we face this global crisis, let’s find positive ways to look after each other.

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The United Nations invites each person of any age, plus every classroom, business and government to join in celebration of the International Day of Happiness. With happiness in our minds, UTS decided to contribute towards greater happiness by creating a fun youth-oriented competition.


At a time where the Corona virus pandemic still affects daily life, research has revealed that social media interaction has increased by 70% across all applications and sport engagement has reduced by 40%. Youth all around the globe have been affected by this pandemic with greater physical isolation, restrictions, anxiety and mental health challenges coupled with less accessibility to engage in sports. 

Over the past year, data shows that youth have increased their video gaming activities by 20% and currently, there is a significant probability that digital activity will remain high even after curfews and isolation are over.

After the hugely successful World Virtual Youth Festival, we invite the UTS Family Youth to get active, get creative, using social media pro-actively, to inspire their peers as we take a look through the virtual window into their daily lives. Producing fun, positive content has been found to drive creativity, increase positive mental health and weaves a sense of community. This virtual competition will utilise social media to encourage physical activity and positive mental health!

What’s Your Daily is a fun opportunity encouraging:

  • Sport/physical exercise
  • Social interaction/connection
  • Positivity 
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Inspiration
  • Role Model 
  • Sharing
  • Innovation
  • Fun


The youth are invited to share a day of their life in a 1-minute video to show how they practise sport/physical exercise, to show their interests/hobbies, to show us something about their day that is really important to them and their reason behind its importance. 

We encourage creativity, the video can be simple for example, a youngster may always help to set the table before dinner as this is their way of helping out in the family home, but they do it on a pair of roller skates! Or a tech savvy youth may choose to show their day in fast forward style and at the end speak about why sport is important. 


Competition starts: 20 March (International Day of Happiness)

Competition deadline: 31 May

Winners announced: 11 June (UTS Website and Facebook, additionally an email will be sent out with a list of the winners)


To compete, youth simply upload their videos to their social media, be it Facebook or Instagram. They must tag the United Through Sports page and hashtag #WYD2021 to participate.


The top 10 winners will be selected based on creativity and uniqueness by a set of 5 external judges. Special gifts and prizes given will be given to the winners with all participants receiving a digital certificate of participation.

We look forward to seeing the youth get active, keep positive and have fun!


Feel free to use these UTS Promotional Posters for your media platforms and communications.


Should your Federations/ Organisation wish to take part, please R.S.V.P 

AnnChien de Groot: [email protected]

A group of women dancing

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